The Splendid Source" is the 19th episode of the eighth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy. Directed by Brian Iles and written by Mark Hentemann, the episode originally aired on Fox in the United States on May 16, 2010. The episode follows Peter, Joe and Quagmire as they set out on a journey to find the ultimate source of all the world's dirty jokes. Along the way, the group is reunited with their old friend, Cleveland Brown, while traveling through Stoolbend, Virginia. Their journey becomes much more difficult than expected when they are kidnapped and taken to a remote island. There, they discover a secret society of the world's greatest geniuses at the center of all the world's dirty jokes. The plot is based on a short story of the same name written by Richard Matheson and first published in the May 1956 edition of Playboy magazine.The episode was a follow-up to the departure of main character Cleveland Brown, who was removed from Family Guy to become the center of the spin-off The Cleveland Show. Former series writer and cast member Mike Henry returned to the series to provide the voice of Cleveland. The episode also featured the first official crossover between Family Guy and The Cleveland Show, and included cameo appearances by several of The Cleveland Show's main characters. The episode was first announced at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con International.Critical response to the episode was favorable. Critics praised the episode for its original premise, and its under-reliance on cultural references, but criticized the episode's plot. According to Nielsen ratings, it was viewed in 7.59 million homes in its original airing. The episode featured guest performances by Marc Alaimo, Gary Cole, Ioan Gruffudd, Sanaa Lathan, David Lynch, Kevin Michael Richardson and Wally Wingert, along with several recurring guest voice actors for the series. "The Splendid Source" was released on DVD along with ten other episodes from the season on December 13, 2011.As Peter and Lois discuss a family trip to Maine, Chris alerts his parents that he has been suspended indefinitely from school for telling an inappropriate joke. Assuring Principal Shephard it will never happen again, Chris reveals that he learned the joke from Quagmire.Peter confronts Quagmire at the Drunken Clam later that day, but he enjoys the joke so much that he accidentally defecates. Quagmire and Joe soon discover that Peter soils his pants every time they tell him the joke, and they try to make him defecate himself repeatedly. Quagmire hires Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare On Elm Street film series to make Peter soil himself in his dreams as well. When Lois berates Peter for soiling the bed, he realizes "when you poop in your dreams, you poop for real."Tired of Joe and Quagmire's antics, Peter wears Quagmire's pants to the bar the next day, discouraging them from making him laugh. Peter asks where Quagmire heard the dirty joke in the first place, and Quagmire reveals that he heard it from Bruce. Locating Bruce at his job at the bowling alley, the group discovers that the joke has been transmitted by a large number of people including Consuela, Dr. Hartman, Mayor Adam West, Angela, Opie, Tom Tucker, Bender (from Futurama), Al Harrington, and REO Speedwagon frontman Kevin Cronin. Cronin tells them that he heard the joke from a Virginia bartender.The Griffins, the Swansons, and Quagmire prepare for a road trip, ostensibly for a vacation in Maine. Quagmire distracts Bonnie and Lois as Peter alters course to Virginia instead. The group arrives at a bar in Stoolbend, Virginia, and discover that it was Cleveland who told the bartender the joke. Peter asks Cleveland where he first heard the joke, and Cleveland reveals that a Washington, D.C., bellhop named Sal Russo told it to him. The group sets out for D.C. with Cleveland in tow. They are attacked by a black car, whose occupants fire guns at them to prevent them from learning the joke's origin. Joe shoots out one of the car's tires, causing it to spin out of control and flip onto its roof. The Quahog group arrive at a Washington hotel and locate Sal, who is reluctant to reveal the source of the joke. He races away on a handcart through Washington. Losing track of Sal, they are soon captured by several men in black suits who pistol-whip them until they are unconscious.Kidnapped and thrown on a plane, they land on a remote island. They are led by the men in suits through a jungle wilderness to a large stone temple. The Dean of the Secret Order of Dirty Joke Writers appears from the shadows and leads the group into a large library, where the world's greatest geniuses study. The Dean explains that the world's greatest thinkers have come together to create dirty jokes, and distribute them throughout the world by a network of agents like the bellhop. The Dean takes them into a dark room. He reveals that they will not be permitted to leave the island now that they know the source of all the world's dirty jokes. They are locked in a jail cell. As a diversion, Peter stabs Cleveland with a pencil. When the guard opens the door to investigate, the prisoners escape. They are recaptured by the Dean and his armed guards immediately. As they are about to be shot by the guards, an old man claims he has just written the world's greatest dirty joke and then suddenly dies. Peter snatches a small piece of paper that the man dropped as he died, containing the joke. The prisoners escape with the joke on a small plane. As they fly over the secret enclave, it is destroyed in a fireball resulting from a burning drapery that Peter had set alight with a candle. Quagmire bemoans that they destroyed the source of all dirty jokes. They quickly realize that as long as there are people there will be dirty jokes. Peter, Joe, Cleveland and Quagmire then fly off into the sunset, before finding out the supposed greatest joke ever written is "Guess what? Chicken butt!" Peter doubts that that is really the world's greatest joke. Cleveland replies, "No, this is!," and then stabs Peter with a pencil and requests to be taken to Virginia.In the final scene, Peter introduces footage of a gorilla scratching himself as a public service announcement from the March of Dimes Foundation.
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