Monday, 8 September 2014

Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers

Urdu Adult Jokes Biography

Urdu jokes are usually recorded by ancient writers to be used as a rhetorical device, and many of them are apparently taken from real-life trials conducted by famous advocates, such as Cicero.One of the oldest Roman jokes, which is based on a fictitious story and survived alive to this time, is told by Macrobius in his Saturnalia:Some provincial man has come to Rome, and walking on the streets was drawing everyone's attention, being a real double of the emperor Augustus. The emperor, having brought him to the palace, looks at him and then asks:-Tell me, young man, did your mother come to Rome anytime?The reply was:
-She never has. But my father frequently was here.(The modern version is that an aristocrat, having met his exact double, asks: "Was your mother a housemaid in our palace?" "No, my father was a gardener there").
An example of a joke based on double meaning is recorded in Gellius (2nd century AD):A man, standing before a censor, is about to testify, whether he has a wife. The censor asks:-Do you have, in all your honesty, a wife?-I surely do, but not in all my honesty.(the pun is in the expression used for in all your honesty - orig. ex animi tui sententia, typically used in oaths - which can also be understood as to your liking).Some of the jokes are about fortune-tellers and the like, and are probably of Greek origin. An example (1st century BCE):A runner going to participate in the Olympic games had a dream, that he was driving a quadriga. Early in the morning he goes to a fortune-teller for explanation of the dream. The reply is:
-You will win, that meant the speed and the strength of the horses.But, to be sure about this, the runner visits another fortune-teller. This one replies:-You will lose. Don't you understand, that four ones came before you?Why people laugh at jokes has been the subject of serious academic study, examples being:
Immanuel Kant, in Critique of Judgement (1790) states that "Laughter is an effect that arises if a tense expectation is transformed into nothing." Here is Kant's two-century old joke and his analysis:
An Englishman at an Indian's table in Surat saw a bottle of ale being opened, and all the beer, turned to froth, rushed out. The Indian, by repeated exclamations, showed his great amazement. - Well, what's so amazing in that? asked the Englishman. - Oh, but I'm not amazed at its coming out, replied the Indian, but how you managed to get it all in. - This makes us laugh, and it gives us a hearty pleasure. This is not because, say, we think we are smarter than this ignorant man, nor are we laughing at anything else here that it is our liking and that we noticed through our understanding. It is rather that we had a tense expectation that suddenly vanished...Henri Bergson, in his book Le rire (Laughter, 1901), suggests that laughter evolved to make social life possible for human beings.Sigmund Freud's "Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious". (Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum UnbewuƟten).Arthur Koestler, in The Act of Creation (1964), analyses humour and compares it to other creative activities, such as literature and science.Marvin Minsky in Society of Mind (1986).Marvin Minsky suggests that laughter has a specific function related to the human brain. In his opinion jokes and laughter are mechanisms for the brain to learn nonsense. For that reason, he argues, jokes are usually not as funny when you hear them repeatedly.Edward de Bono in "The Mehanism of the Mind" (1969) and "I am Right, You are Wrong" (1990).Edward de Bono suggests that the mind is a pattern-matching machine, and that it works by recognising stories and behaviour and putting them into familiar patterns. When a familiar connection is disrupted and an alternative unexpected new link is made in the brain via a different route than expected, then laughter occurs as the new connection is made. This theory explains a lot about jokes. For example:Why jokes are only funny the first time they are told: once they are told the pattern is already there, so there can be no new connections, and so no laughter.Why jokes have an elaborate and often repetitive set up: The repetition establishes the familiar pattern in the brain. A common method used in jokes is to tell almost the same story twice and then deliver the punch line the third time the story is told. The first two tellings of the story evoke a familiar pattern in the brain, thus priming the brain for the punch line.Why jokes often rely on stereotypes: the use of a stereotype links to familiar expected behaviour, thus saving time in the set-up.Why jokes are variants on well-known stories (e.g. the genie and a lamp and a man walks into a bar): This again saves time in the set up and establishes a familiar pattern.In 2002, Richard Wiseman conducted a study intended to discover the world's funniest joke . Some elements of jokes have been observed in the Laugh Factory's report a feeling of superiority over the subject of the joke.a sudden realization of a misconception(or of an over thought premise) or the realization that a subject has made an incongruous decisionedgy dialogue about sensitive topics such as marriage, morality, and illness.that in animal jokes, those that feature ducks are the most funnyLaughter, the intended human reaction to jokes, is healthy in moderation, uses the abdominal muscles, and releases endorphins, natural "feel good" chemicals, into the brain.Many people also look to contextual jokes as a coping mechanism to get through hard times. This is referred to as, survivor humor in which jokes are designed specifically for those who have been through an extreme tragedy. People who did not experience the tragedy are not likely to fully appreciate these jokes.
Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers
Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers

Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers
Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers
Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers
Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers
Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers
Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers
Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers
Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers
Urdu Adult Jokes Adult Jokes Sms Funny Hindi English Photos Images Wallpapers

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